Elm trees are hardy and adaptable, medium to large sized deciduous tree with a vase or pyramidal shaped open growth habit. Elms are shade trees with round, serrated leaves and circular, papery seed cases called samaras. There are thirty-five deciduous or semi-deciduous species of elm trees across North America, Europe, and Asia. Elms can be useful street trees as it is hardy and adaptable to many soil types and conditions.
Showing all 6 results
Ulmus ‘New Horizon’ – New Horizon Elm
$250.00In Stock -
Ulmus americana ‘Princeton’ – Princeton Elm
$250.00In Stock -
Ulmus Morton – Accolade™ Elm
Ulmus Morton Glossy – Triumph™ Elm
Ulmus x carp. ‘Frontier’ – Frontier Elm
$250.00In Stock -
Ulmus x wilsoniana ‘Prospector’ – Prospector Elm
$250.00In Stock