Quercus bicolor – Swamp White Oak Tree


Botanical Name: Quercus bicolor

The Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor) is a medium sized deciduous tree with a relatively short trunk. The growth habit is rounded with an open, spreading crown. It grows to a height of 50-60 feet tall with a spread of 50-60 feet.

The Swamp White Oak tree is native to eastern Iowa, where it is found growing in fairly wet environments and therefore tolerates wet soil well. This oak tree can be found growing on the edge of lakes or rivers or close to wetlands and swamps that can be subject to seasonal flooding.

The bark on the tree’s smaller branches is smooth brown-purple and divides into papery scales. On the trunk and larger branches, the bark is reddish-brown and has big ridges with deep fissures.

The flowers of the Swamp White Oak are catkins. They emerge in the spring as separate male and female flowers and are greenish-yellow in color. The fruits are acorns that grow up to ¾ to 1 1/4  inches in size and develop in early fall.

The leaves have 5 to 10 lobes and are dark green and shiny with bright silver undersides. The two different colors of the leaf give this oak its Latin name, Quercus bicolor. In the fall, the leaves turn yellow or occasionally purple and red.

Product Dimensions

The purchased tree will be within the ranges below. If you require a specific size, please call us at (503)585-8337
Please review Product shipping dimensions to ensure size of vehicle used for pickup of tree is sized correctly. Click here for more information.
Caliper Range p
1 3/4"-3"
Height Range p

50 in stock

SKU: Q.B. SWAMP WHITE Categories: , Tags: , , ,

Flower Color


Flowering Time

Fall Color

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Growth Rate



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USDA Zones

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Mature Height

Mature Width



Height: 50-60 ft.
Width: 50-60 ft.
Shape: Rounded
Flower Color: Yellowish-Green
Flowering Time: April
Fall Color: Yellow, Purple, Red
Features: Good fall color, excellent shade tree
Exposure: Full Sun
Watering: Moderate/Heavy & Regular, tolerates some drought
Soil: Prefers acidic, moist to wet soils
Growth Rate: Slow-Moderate
USDA Zones: 3-8
Uses: Lawn tree, shade tree, park tree, street tree, rain garden
Similar Trees: Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), Pin Oak (Quercus palustris), Willow Oak (Quercus phellos), Shumard Oak (Quercus shumardii)

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