Quercus coccinea – Scarlet Oak


Botanical Name: Quercus coccinea

Alternate Name: Scarlet Red Oak

The Scarlet Oak (Quercus coccinea) is a medium to large sized deciduous tree. It is native to the eastern United States. The growth habit is rounded with an open, spreading crown. It grows to a height of 50-70 feet tall with a spread of 40-50 feet.

The Scarlet Oak tree is a member of the group of Red Oaks (Quercus rubra). They are characterized by sharp bristles that grow on the leaf lobes. They also have acorns that develop after two growing seasons, maturing in the spring.

The flowers of the Scarlet Oak are catkins. They are yellowish-green, inconspicuous, and develop in the spring as separate male and female flowers. The male catkins droop and the female catkins are born in clusters or are solitary. The fruits are acorns that grow up to ½-1 inch in size.

The leaves are 3-6 inches in length. They are an attractive, shiny mid to dark green with deep lobes that have sharp edges or bristles on them. In the fall, the leaves turn a radiant, glowing, deep red.

The Scarlet Oak likes to grow in fairly dry conditions. It works well when planted along wide boulevards as a street tree or in lawns when the soil isn’t too damp. This large tree should be planted where it has plenty of space to grow, in higher areas of the landscape with good drainage.

This oak tree is considered a good alternative to plant instead of the Pin Oak, due to its ability to tolerate alkaline soils and less yellowing of its leaves with higher pH soils.

Product Dimensions

The purchased tree will be within the ranges below. If you require a specific size, please call us at (503)585-8337
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Caliper Range p
1 3/4"-3"
Height Range p

108 in stock

SKU: Q.C. SCARLET OAK Categories: , Tags: , , ,

Flower Color


Flowering Time


Fall Color

Growth Rate


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USDA Zones

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Mature Height

Mature Width



Height: 50-70 ft.
Width: 40-50 ft.
Shape: Rounded
Flower Color: Yellowish-Green
Flowering Time: April-May
Fall Color: Red
Features: Excellent fall color, beautiful shade tree
Exposure: Full Sun
Watering: Light/Moderate, tolerates some drought
Soil: Prefers dry, acidic, sandy soils
Growth Rate: Moderate
USDA Zones: 4-9
Uses: Lawn tree, shade tree, park tree, street tree
Similar Trees: Shingle Oak (Quercus imbricaria), Northern Pin Oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis), Northern Black Oak (Quercus velutina), Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra), Pin Oak (Quercus palustris)

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