Quercus garryana – Oregon White Oak


Botanical Name: Quercus garryana

Alternate Name: Garry Oak

The Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana) is a large and majestic tree. It is found growing in the western coastal states of the United States – from British Columbia to Southern California. It is one of only four deciduous oaks that grows naturally along the west coast. It can be found growing in stands in the Willamette Valley. Also known as the Garry Oak, it was named after Nicholas Garry, who worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company as a deputy governor.

The growth habit is rounded with a dense, spreading crown, and thick, crooked limbs. It grows to a height of 50-75 feet tall with a spread of 40-60 feet, but can grow even larger. The juvenile trees have a shrubby look to them.

The flowers of the Oregon White Oak are catkins – both male and female are found on the same tree. The fruits are acorns that cover the tree in summer and fall. These are a favorite of small mammals and birds, as they don’t taste as bitter as other acorns.

The leaves have the classic rounded lobes of an oak tree. They are a handsome, deep green with pale green undersides and grow up to 4-6 inches in length with 5-9 lobes. They can develop galls caused by insects, but this is not a threat to the health of the tree. The bark is white and scaly, but as the tree matures, it develops attractive, fissured, gray bark.

Product Dimensions

The purchased tree will be within the ranges below. If you require a specific size, please call us at (503)585-8337
Please review Product shipping dimensions to ensure size of vehicle used for pickup of tree is sized correctly. Click here for more information.
Caliper Range p
1 3/4"-3"
Height Range p

SKU: Q.G. OREGON WHITE Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

Flower Color


Flowering Time

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Fall Color

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Growth Rate


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USDA Zones

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Mature Height

Mature Width



Height: 50-75 ft.
Width: 40-50 ft.
Shape: Rounded
Flower Color: Yellowish-Green
Flowering Time: March-June
Fall Color: Yellow, Gold, Brownish-Red
Features: Beautiful shade or park tree, Oregon native oak
Exposure: Full Sun
Watering: Light/Moderate, no summer water once established
Soil: Prefers soils with excellent drainage
Growth Rate: Slow
USDA Zones: 6-9
Uses: Lawn tree, shade tree, park tree, native gardens, wildlife gardens
Similar Trees: White Oak Tree (Quercus alba), Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra), Northern Black Oak (Quercus velutina)

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